Facts About Holocaust

By Yakacha on 12:58 AM

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The Holocaust was the attempt by the Germans to get rid of all “inferior races”

Approximately 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust

Hitler came to power in 1933- Holocaust continued until 1945

Heinrich Himmler was the second most powerful Nazi behind Hitler

Oskar Schindler- worked to help the Jewish people

There were about 5 million non-Jewish victims

There were thousands of Nazi concentration camps and sub-camps during the Holocaust- A well known camp is Auschwitz/Birkenau which is located in Poland

When WWII started Jewish people were forced to wear a yellow Star of David with the word ‘Jude’ written on it so that Nazi’s and other could identify them as Jewish

Kristallnacht “The Night of Broken Glass” 2 nights- more than 90 Jews killed. Temples, synagogues, Jewish business, and Jewish cemeteries were set on fire or destroyed

The first victims of the Holocaust were people with disabilities

Nuremberg Laws- basis for discrimination against Jewish people

The Holocaust was hidden from the allied powers until the end of the war

“The Nazi party was proclaimed by law to be the only legal political party in Germany” http://www.teachervision.fen.com/holocaust/printable/38998.html

Between 1933 and 1939 304,500 Jewish people emigrated from Germany

5,000 Jewish communities were wiped out during the Holocaust

The total number of Jewish people that died represented a 1/3 of all Jewish people alive at the time

Germany started WWII with the invasion of Poland in September of 1939
VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) May 7th & May 8th 1945 – End of WWII and Nazi Germany
There were different kinds of camps- Ghettos, Concentration camps, forced labor camps, extermination camps

1.5 million children were killed during the Holocaust

“The Final Solution” The Nazi’s plan to exterminate the Jewish people during WWII

There are some people who don’t believe that the Holocaust existed

“Holocaust” is derived from the Greek words “completely burnt”

Soviets, Polish Catholics, Serbians, Roma “gypsies”, journalists, teachers, activists, handicaps, alcoholics, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses were some of the people besides Jews killed

Jewish people were the scapegoat for the collapse of Germany after WWI

The Danish ferried 7,800 Jews to safety in Sweden when Germans invaded- at the end of the war 99% of Denmark’s Jews were still alive
Germans used Jewish people to perform medical experiments during the Holocaust

“On December 17, 1942, the leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union issued the first joint declaration officially noting the mass murder of European Jewry and resolving to prosecute those responsible for violence against civilian populations.”

More than 250,000 Jewish were labeled as “Displaced Persons” after WWII ended and from 1945-1952 they lived in camps and centers in Germany, Austria, and Italy while trying to find their families

Prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp were given tattoos with a number so that they could be identified

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